Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are we being had?

Are we being had?

The following rules for revolution are supposedly gleaned from a secret Communist headquarters in 1919. They are probably fictional, but they still read true. Apply them to America today. Assess them in terms of the Democrat candidate, extreme liberal, Barrack Obama with his message of hope and change.

“Get control of all means of publicity : Get them interested in sex, books and plays and other trivialities.” Certainly our culture has debased marriage and sex through Rap, Hip-Hop, the content of TV sitcoms, shameless reality shows and the artificiality of beauty contests and American idols.

“Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.” Citizens face a crisis or panic each week, sometimes via public service announcements. Division is favored over unity: red state vs. blue state, main street vs. Wall Street, big Corporations vs. small business, the greedy rich vs. the hard-working middle class, mean-spirited conservatives vs. the compassionate, big government liberals.

“Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding these latter up to ridicule, obloquy and contempt.” Who cannot notice that the media and liberal Democrats despise President Bush? He has prevented a 2nd terrorist attack for 8 years, but he gets no credit. He has been aided by a Democrat Congress in rampant spending, but he gets all the blame. In contrast, Obama’s nonexistent leadership skills are unquestioned. “Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.” Liberals have managed in some states to mandate that middle schools teach safe sex and lesbianism. They ridicule Bible thumpers and devout Christians but not devout atheists, militant Muslims or global warming alarmists. Have you noticed today’s sissification of men and slutification of women?

“Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and a ruthlessly as possible.” Where has virtually every restriction of behavior originated? Answer, with liberals. Note their rules against crosses, Bibles, clotheslines in yards, public smoking, trans fats, Wal-Marts, the ROTC, conservative professors, calories in fast food and carbon footprints. In the name of fairness in a democracy, liberals want no one free to be stupid or smart or to determine his or her own destiny.

“By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.” Government spending is obviously out of control when 150 billion in pork is added to the 700 billion dollar bailout bill. Yet it was Democrat liberals that enshrined sub-prime lending into law. When Republicans tried to raise red flags demanding oversight of the abuses, Democrat politicians (and the law) protected and encouraged the practice which just grew worse for over a decade. Continuous talk of a ‘bad’ economy, depression, recession and inflation doesn’t help.

“Foment unnecessary strikes and in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such behaviors.” Yes, union workers and their strikes are sacrosanct to liberals. Yes, Attorney General Janet Reno under President Clinton, took ‘responsibility’ for the deadly, fiery disaster at Waco, Texas before she went back to work. If a crime wave erupts, it is explained away as an outburst of victimization.

“By specious arguments cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word...” Have you noticed that a lie has been re-defined as a “misspeak.” That excuses are ubiquitous for bad behavior that is never labeled as sin? Have you noticed that ‘honest’ home buyers didn’t pay their mortgage payments, often for months on end before repossessions or evictions? That liberals claim soldiers are too warlike? That our society rationalizes drinking and hook-ups of college students as inevitable? That all Ten Commandments are now passe?

“Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.” In large, Democrat cities like New York and Chicago, the public has been forbidden gun ownership. Too bad criminals still manage to possess them.

These rules read like the perfect penned play book for a revolution. Yet liberals and socialists have implemented them over the years without a revolution. Their candidate, Barrack Obama, does not represent change, instead he represents a continuation and exaggeration of the same rules. Even Obama’s associations with revolutionaries like Ayers and Dohrn and Reverend hate-mongers like Wright and Phleger are deflected by the media who want their Messiah in the White House.

For many Americans, however, real change after the election might be forthcoming. In any vintage American film, rugged, fed-up individualists would have come after their oppressors with pitchforks to toss them out. After an Obama win, voters will discover they have been deceived, their liberties discarded, fairness re-defined.. In short, they’ve been had! Then it will be time for the 3-pronged pitchforks, symbolizing sons (and) daughters (of) liberty.


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