Monday, December 10, 2012


Barack Obama’s not black. If he were, he would be fat, like all traditional, black, African potentates who sat astride their thrones surrounded and served by subjects poor and thin but worshipful. Older ‘folks’ ( a word liberally used by Obama to refer to his subjects of which I am not one), are gradually fading away along with our definition of what it should mean to be President. Ample vacations, gourmet grazing and frequent golf should be reserved for retirement from the Oval Office, not for it current resident’s lifestyle. Our President’s wife and children would not vacation at will at taxpayers’ expense. We believe in enlightened, conservative governance and deferred gratification. Good thing us fools ARE dying out. When we are gone, our ideology will be gone too. So, Obama’s neither big enough nor black enough to wear the crown of African-American - much less dear leader.


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