Thursday, May 31, 2012

Government Loves You - Sucker!

ACHIEVEMENT IN A GOVERNMENT PROGRAM IS SPENDING THE MONEY NOT ATTAINING THE GOAL Last sentence says Obama is asking for MORE money to waste. “Since 2009. The Obama administration has awarded more than $1 billion to American companies to make advanced batteries for electric vehicles. Halfway toward the goal of producing 1 million electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, auto makers are 1/20th of the way there. The money funded 9 battery plants - scattered across the U.S. from Michigan, to Pennsylvania and Florida -that have few customers, operate well below capacity and, so far, have created less and a 1/3 of the jobs promised by 2015. Customers including start-up Fisker Automotive Inc. and auto makers like General Motors Co., that urged the funding, have struggled to produce and sell battery-powered cars, though they insist a market is coming. President Obama heralded the “birth of an entire new industry” during the ceremonial opening of A123 Systems Inc.’s production plant in 2010. The president’s 2013 budget proposal asks for an increase in tax credits to car buyers to amp sales.”


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